When your order is shipped, we will send you a confirmation email with the tracking number to confirm that your order has been accepted.
You can request that your order be shipped to any of our worldwide shipping destinations. Simply change the territory you wish to ship to once you are in the checkout section.
Free shipping for purchases over €50.
Delivery time is 3-5 working days.
Delivery times are subject to order acceptance and start counting from the date of shipment, not from the date you placed the order. Different terms and conditions may apply for different shipping destinations.
If a shipping promotion is available, the shipping discount will be applied at checkout.
Please note that your order may be delayed due to weather conditions affecting delivery routes. For more information, please contact customer service.
NOTICE : Your order may be delayed due to border issues. For more information, please contact customer service.
Shipments are subject to strict controls by local customs authorities. Shipments may be delayed for reasons beyond our control.